
Mental Health Point of View



Our good friend Josh, a former facilitator and administrator here at the Kaleidoscope, has started a new mental health awareness initiative through this blog Mental Health Point of View:  – Here he hopes to write about his personal experiences dealing with mental illness, and so far looks to be a very earnest, informative, and well-intentioned effort to help reduce stigma and generate discussion around important topics in mental health. Please take a look and also connect with MHPOV  on facebook ( and twitter (




Opportunity for those to share their experiences with mental illness

To our support group members: A letter from the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Student’s and Interns, they are looking for anyone who is willing to share their experiences with mental illness. If you are interested in an opportunity to influence the future of how healthcare professionals view, understand, and care for people with mental illness, read  below for details!
I am contacting you as the Panel Discussion Coordinator for the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns’s (CAPSI’s) national Professional Development Week conference This conference brings together hundreds of students from all the pharmacy schools across Canada, and will be hosted in Vancouver January 8-11, 2014. As part of this year’s panel discussions at the conference, we are putting together a mental health panel, where past and current individuals experiencing mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, etc. will be given the opportunity to lead an interactive discussion that focuses on their experience with the healthcare system (eg. what worked well and what did not), and how they hope healthcare professionals can interact with or support those with mental health issues in the future.
Because Kaleidoscope brings together a community of such individuals who may be interested in contributing, I am looking for 1-2 individuals who:
-have experienced or are currently experiencing one or more mental illness(es)
-would like to speak about their mental health condition and their experience with the healthcare system in front of a large audience
-are comfortable with communicating with up to 3 other panelists/speakers in the period leading up to, and during the actual presentation
-are comfortable answering questions from the audience of future healthcare professionals
-are interested in teaching/guiding healthcare professionals on how to improve mental healthcare in the future
By participating in this initiative, members would have the opportunity to make a real difference in how healthcare professionals interact with those with mental health conditions in the future, and would be able to share their experiences with a broad audience who are dedicated to providing the best possible care in the future.
I would like to invite interested Kaleidoscope members to email me at [email protected] with their:
– name
– nature of their mental illness (what was the illness, how long did/have they experienced it for, a brief summary of their interactions with healthcare professionals eg. pharmacists, physicians, social workers, psychiatrists, etc., if applicable)
– experience and/or comfort level with public speaking
– and any additional questions they may have for me
Any information shared with me will remain between myself and my committee leader, Anita, and will not be shared with anyone else until the potential speaker has decided to commit to presenting at the conference.
I would like to thank you for your time and consideration, and invite you to contact me should you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Alice Hou
Panel Discussion Coordinator
CAPSI Professional Development Week 2014



Stress Less for Exam Success

Hello UBC Students,


Are you starting to feel a bit stressed about exams? We have the perfect way to beat your stress. Come on down to The Centre for Student Involvement (9:30-1:00) and the Chapman Learning Commons (11:00-3:00) for Stress Less for Exam Success. There will be a variety of fun activities and free food, with everything from a free parfait breakfast in the Centre for Student Involvement to board games and meditation exercises in the Chapman Learning Commons. There will also be much more, so check out this link to learn more:


Good Luck on exams!


MHAC Presents: Careers in Mental Health Event!

MHAC will be hosting a careers night to hear from different professionals in the mental health field. Great opportunity for students who want to get information on the available career options in the field. Our very own Nicole will be one of the speakers, so we’d love it if you came out! Please see the flyer below for details. RSVP on the facebook link here:



UBC Reports article

UBC reports has recently put up an article talking about the new “Early Alert” campus wide program to provide early support and services to students struggling with their mental and academic wellbeing. Victor from the kaleidoscope makes a guest appearance and quote as well!

Check out the article here:

The full issue is available here:


YouthCO Workshop

You are invited to come join YouthCO’s Forum Theatre Troupe in a safe space to actively explore our experiences of power and oppression around sexual health, gender identity, and sexual orientation to empower each other!

YouthCo’s Theatre Troupe creates innovative theatre workshops and performances about stigmas related to HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C, often exploring topics like sex, gender, sexuality, drugs, relationships, self-esteem, violence, and intersecting forms of oppression (including racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, and colonization).  The Theatre Troupe creates safe spaces of trust and team building, dialogue and participatory theatre. Offering fun workshops that are powerful exercises in experiential learning. Forum Theatre performances are interactive and written and performed by youth!

Date/Time: Thursday October 27th from 12-3pm

Location: (Room number TBA)

10-35people max! Register at [email protected]! 


Meeting Time & Location for New Semester

Welcome to the new school year everyone! We just received word that there may be some confusion about our meeting time & place for this academic year 2011/12. Starting September 13, 2011, our meeting time will be every Tuesday, from 5:00-6:00 PM at the same location listed below

Centre for Student Involvement (CSI) Rm. 1024

Brock Hall – East Wing

1874 East Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Here are a couple maps for those of you who are new to campus:

Hope to see you there! And for all comments or inquiries, please email us at [email protected]


Sept. 6th 2011 – Imagine Day Booth; No regular group meeting

On the first day of the upcoming year, Tuesday Sept. 6th, we will be having our own booth at the Imagine Day fair! Come meet some of the members, find out information about our group, and pick up some free Kaleidoscope schwag! Our booth will be in in the Equity & Diversity section between the Earth & Ocean Sciences building and the Beaty Biodiversity Centre.

Regular group meeting on that day will be CANCELLED, and will continue Sept. 13th at our new time: 5:00-6:00PM, same location in Brock Hall.


UBC Mental Health Network Meeting

The Kaleidoscope is proud to have been a part of the founding of the UBC Mental Health Network. The Network hopes to bring together the various mental health-related initiatives at UBC in order to share resources, work together on projects, connect ideas, and promote mental health on campus. We are having a meeting on Thursday, May 26th 4:30PM at the Wellness Centre in the SUB. At present, anybody who is interested in being a part of this is welcome to come to our  meetings and see what we’ve got in the works!


Summer Semesters & New Meeting Time

Hi friends,

As the winter academic year comes to a close, we are happy to let you all know that the kaleidoscope will still continue to meet throughout the summer semesters. The only difference is that our meeting time will now be 4:00-5:00, half an hour earlier than what we have right now. We will still be in the same location at the Centre for Student Involvement at Brock Hall.

Good luck on your end of term deadlines everyone, and have a great summer!