
TONIGHT! Living with Mental Ill-Ability Speaker’s Event

Three young adults – two of which are Kaleidoscope’s own facilitators! – will share their stories about living with mental illness or mental ill-ability. As part of the Mental Health Network anti-stigma campaign, this event is an opportunity for the UBC community to learn about living with major depression disorder, bipolar type 1 and bipolar type 2. We will also have an open mic for students, staff and faculty in the audience to share their stories and ideas about mental health.

Date: Monday, January 28th, 2013
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Location: Irving K. Baber Learning Centre – Room 182
Admission: $2
Refreshments will be provided!

ILL-A•bil•i•ty: \ˈil-ə-bi-lə-tē\ n.

The opposite of disability: adaptation of power, strength, and creativity. Anything one puts their mind to, will be done. Creating advantages from disadvantages: A physical or mental “handicap” that one adapted themselves to, to pursue living a full, normal life.
– Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli

More info here:

RSVP directly here

General Information


UBC Thrive is an annual, week-long series of events that encourages the UBC Community to invest in healthier living, promote mental wellness, and reduce the stigma surrounding this topic.  This year, Thrive is happening from Nov 1-5.

The Kaleidoscope is going to be hosting a screening and discussion event titled “Portrayals of Madness” to address how mental illness is showcased in cinema.  In this session we will show a variety of film clips and intersperse them with open discussion.  All members of the UBC community are invited to join us on next Tuesday, November 2nd from 6.30-7.30 pm in BUCH A203.