Community Events, General Information, News

Update: Douglas College meeting cancelled this week; Kaleidoscope Meetings at UBC are still on

Hi everyone,

Hope your first week went well!

Update: the Kaleidoscope meeting at Douglas College is cancelled tomorrow (Wednesday, September 16th).

Both Kaleidoscope meetings are happening this week and are as follows:


Time: Tuesdays 5-6pm
Wednesdays 12-1pm

Location: UBC in BUCH B307 (click here for directions and information)
Click for map: Room 307 Buchanan Building Block B 1866 Main Mall V6T 1Z1

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

All the best for week #2!

General Information

January Meetings Times

The Kaleidoscope will reconvene on Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm in the small meeting room of the CSI in Brock Hall. (on the main floor, if you have trouble finding us just ask at the CSI help desk – they are super nice).

Out first meeting  is set for Jan. 10th 2012.

If you’re interested in attending the group but this time doesn’t work for you please send us an email. We have been thinking of setting up an additional meeting time and may be able to work out something 🙂

[email protected]

General Information

Dude, I’m Stressin’ Me Out

The following is an entry to UBC’s Thrive Blog Challenge (UBC’s mental health awareness week Oct. 17-21):

Over the years I’ve realized I can’t get rid of stress. Here are some things I do to limit how bad it gets.

  1. Remind myself that stress is normal.
  2. Let myself be comfortable with some level of stress and not get caught up in the cycle of stressing about stressing out.
  3. Take some deep breaths; 4 sec in, 4 sec hold, 4 sec out, 4 sec wait, repeat etc. Breathe deeply into your belly, not just your chest. This will help lower your heart rate to calm you down.
  4. Picture the worst thing that could happen, because usually it’s not that bad.
  5. Get a good night’s rest, eat healthily and exercise. You’d be surprised how much these simple things can affect stress, anxiety and mood.
More Thrive blogs can be read on the Healthy Minds at UBC site.
General Information, News

New meeting location in Brock Hall

Starting Tuesday, February 1 we are meeting in a new location. Please come to Brock Hall East Wing (here is a campus map with bus loop and Brock Hall circled).

Enter the building at the location circled in red on the close-up map. Head straight in, past the registration desks and stuff, and on your right you will see an area known as the Centre for Student Involvement (CSI). These folks have kindly allowed us to book their “small meeting room”, room 1024. There is a front desk; just ask them where the small meeting room is, and they should help direct you there. I will let them know people will be asking about “the Kaleidoscope” meeting. Sorry for the sudden change, and I hope this room works out nicely for us. Meeting time is still 4:30pm to 5:30pm on Tuesday afternoons.

General Information


UBC Thrive is an annual, week-long series of events that encourages the UBC Community to invest in healthier living, promote mental wellness, and reduce the stigma surrounding this topic.  This year, Thrive is happening from Nov 1-5.

The Kaleidoscope is going to be hosting a screening and discussion event titled “Portrayals of Madness” to address how mental illness is showcased in cinema.  In this session we will show a variety of film clips and intersperse them with open discussion.  All members of the UBC community are invited to join us on next Tuesday, November 2nd from 6.30-7.30 pm in BUCH A203.